2020.04.20 19:19Nation

「はんこ文化」見直し本腰 仕事を電子化、テレワーク推進―政府


2020.04.20 19:19Nation

Japan Govt Begins Work to Review Seal Culture

The Japanese government has launched full-scale efforts to review companies' reliance on the traditional seal-based document authorization system by promoting the application of information technology.
   The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, at an expert panel meeting Monday, presented a plan to introduce in fiscal 2022 a private sector-developed system that certify the authenticity of electronic documents such as bills being exchanged between companies.
   The move is intended to allow teleworking that spread amid the coronavirus outbreak to take root in the country.
   To be discussed by the expert panel is an electronic version of company seals called e-seals, which certify electronic documents as those created by certain companies.
   As e-seals can eliminate the labor associated with putting corporate seals on paper documents at offices and sending the papers by mail, their penetration is expected to allow company employees to work from home more easily.


