2020.04.21 08:01Nation

安倍首相、靖国に真榊奉納 春の参拝見送りへ


2020.04.21 08:01Nation

Abe Makes "Masakaki" Ritual Offering at Yasukuni Shrine

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a ritual offering of a "masakaki" tree stand to war-related Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday, when the shrine's two-day spring festival opened.
   He is unlikely to pay a visit to the Shinto shrine in Tokyo during the festival.
   Internal affairs minister Sanae Takaichi and Seiichi Eto, minister for Okinawa and Northern Territories affairs, abandoned their plans to visit the shrine, as the shrine does not accept entry into its main building due to the spread of the new coronavirus. Both visited the shrine during last year's autumn festival.
   Takaichi and health minister Katsunobu Kato offered masakaki tree stands as Abe did.
   Abe's visit to the shrine has not been confirmed since his visit in December 2013.


