2020.04.20 13:31Nation

スカイツリー展望台、時間速く 「光格子時計」で観測―東大など


2020.04.20 13:31Nation

Time Proved to Pass Faster on Tokyo Skytree

A Japanese team has proved that time passes billionths of a second faster daily on an observation deck at the Tokyo Skytree tower, in line with Albert Einstein's theory.
   The team tested his theory of general relativity by using a superaccurate atomic clock, called optical lattice clock, installed on the deck 450 meters above the ground.
   According to Einstein, the stronger the gravity is, the slower time passes. At the altitude of the deck, gravity is very slightly weaker than on the ground.
   The team, including researchers of the University of Tokyo and government-backed research institute Riken, published paper on the experiment on the British journal Nature Photonics earlier this month.
   The team, including University of Tokyo Prof. Hidetoshi Katori, succeeded in creating small optical lattice clocks that take 16 billion years to lose a one-second accuracy. Conventional clocks are as large as laboratory rooms.


