2020.04.19 15:03Nation

福井県、全世帯にマスク購入券 1戸100枚まで―新型コロナ


2020.04.19 15:03Nation

Fukui to Arrange Face Mask Purchases by Residents

The Fukui prefectural government said Sunday it will distribute coupons granting the right to purchase face masks to all households in the prefecture in response to a shortage of the protective items amid the coronavirus epidemic.
   With the coupons, residents will be entitled to buy up to two 50-mask packs at drugstores in the prefecture. Each pack sells for 2,350 yen including tax.
   Fukui is believed to be the first prefecture in Japan to arrange face mask purchases by residents, prefectural officials said.
   The prefectural government will send the coupons by mail from Thursday. All households in the prefecture, totaling about 290,000, are expected to receive the coupon by the end of April.
   Fujikon Corp., a Sabae, Fukui-based company dealing in face masks and other products, and companies outside the prefecture have secured a total of some 300,000 packs of face masks.


