2020.04.14 18:46Nation

防衛省、米軍に初の立ち入り要求 普天間で有毒剤22万リットル流出


2020.04.14 18:46Nation

Japan Demands On-Site Probe over U.S. Base Spillage

Japan's Defense Ministry on Tuesday demanded access to the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base in Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, to conduct an on-site investigation over a toxic material spillage there.
   It is the first time that the ministry seeks an on-site investigation based on the Japan-U.S. agreement on environmental stewardship supplementary to the bilateral status of forces pact since the additional accord was inked in 2015.
   The ministry said that some 227,100 liters of fire-extinguishing foam that contains perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, a toxic substance known as PFOS, was spilled at the base in the southernmost Japan prefecture.
   "It is a large-scale spillage incident, and I understand it can give great anxiety to citizens," Shigeki Ito, a spokesman at the ministry, told a press conference Tuesday.
   The ministry lodged a serious protest over the incident to U.S. forces in Japan the same day.


