2020.04.14 20:01Nation

3月の外国人入国94%減 新型コロナ影響、中韓で顕著―入管庁


2020.04.14 20:01Nation

Foreign Entrants to Japan Down 94 Pct in March

The number of foreigners who entered Japan in March tumbled 94 pct from a year before to 152,162, reflecting an entry ban the country introduced amid the coronavirus pandemic, preliminary data from the Immigration Services Agency showed Tuesday.
   The number of new entrants from South Korea plunged 98 pct to 10,919, and that of those from China and Taiwan plummeted 99 pct each, coming to 3,716 and 5,408, respectively, the agency said. New entrants from the United States numbered 20,989, down 87 pct.
   The Japanese government in February banned entry by foreigners who had been to China's Hubei and Zhejiang provinces, the South Korean city of Daegu and elsewhere in stages to prevent the spread of the virus.
   By the end of March, the entry ban was expanded to include Iran and 23 European countries, such as Italy, Spain and France.
   Earlier this month, the ban was expanded further to cover the whole of China and South Korea, as well as the United States, Australia, Taiwan and other places. Currently, 72 countries and one region are subject to Japan's entry ban.


