2019.09.27 17:17Nation



2019.09.27 17:17Nation

Japan, EU to Cooperate on Quality Infrastructure

Japanese and European Union leaders signed a joint document on Friday affirming the two sides' cooperation on promoting quality infrastructure in Africa and other developing regions.
   The Japan-EU partnership on quality infrastructure is apparently aimed at countering China's aggressive financial aid for infrastructure development in the regions under its Belt and Road initiative.
   In particular, the new partnership will cover the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Indo-Pacific region, as well as Africa, according to the bilateral document.
   In the document, Japan and the EU vowed to take into account the needs of their partners in the developing world and to pay "utmost attention to their fiscal capacity and debt-sustainability," at a time when China is criticized for giving excessive loans to developing nations.
   Before signing the document, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivered a keynote speech in an EU-Asia Connectivity forum meeting at the EU headquarters, highlighting Japan's quality infrastructure initiative.


