2019.09.27 17:13Nation



2019.09.27 17:13Nation

Tobacco Smoke Found Unpleasant by 78 Pct: Japan Govt Survey

A public opinion survey by Japan's Cabinet Office showed Friday that 78.4 pct of respondents find cigarette smoke from nearby smokers discomforting while nearly 60 pct think it is not possible to balance work and cancer treatment.
   The government agency's first opinion poll on measures against smoking was conducted ahead of the full implementation of the revised health promotion act, aimed at strengthening steps against second-hand smoke, in April 2020, ahead of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
   In the survey, 62.4 pct of those who said smoke from nearby smokers is unpleasant cited "facilities that offer mainly food, such as restaurants," as locations where they feel such discomfort, followed by 53.3 pct answering "on the street" and 38.6 pct "facilities that offer mainly alcoholic beverages, such as 'izakaya' pubs."
   Asked about steps that the government should take, 41.8 pct cited education to minors about the health hazards of smoking while 41.7 pct called for measures to address passing smoking.
   As to concrete measures to prevent second-hand smoke, 72.6 pct pointed to the need to separate smoking and nonsmoking areas, followed by 60.6 pct who called for a complete ban on smoking at eateries and 57.9 pct who cited a ban on smoking in the premises of hospitals, schools and central and local government offices.


