2020.04.09 20:47Nation

繁華街、人の流れが3割減 ビッグデータ、宣言発令の前後で―政府公表


2020.04.09 20:47Nation

City Center Visitors Down 30 Pct after Emergency Declaration

City centers in Tokyo and elsewhere saw a decrease of about 30 pct in people out and about after an emergency declaration over the coronavirus outbreak, the government said Thursday.
   The government utilized big data owned by private companies to check the flows of people in the downtown areas of the seven prefectures, including Tokyo, for which a state of emergency was declared by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe late Tuesday afternoon.
   The results were that the areas largely had 30 pct fewer people than before the declaration.
   Concluding that the declaration was effective to some extent, the central government will again request citizens to stay home, officials said.
   Data provided by mobile phone carrier NTT Docomo Inc. were used to compare the change in city center populations between 7 p.m. Tuesday, just after the declaration, and the same time Wednesday.


