2020.04.09 20:27Nation

緊急事態、愛知追加で調整 知事要請受け―政府


2020.04.09 20:27Nation

Aichi Likely to Join Regions under Coronavirus Emergency

The Japanese government is considering adding Aichi Prefecture to the list of regions under a state of emergency declared Tuesday by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, government sources said Thursday.
   The Abe administration is considering the move in response to a request from Aichi Governor Hideaki Omura, the sources said.
   The national government will make its final decision after closely watching developments related to the novel coronavirus over the next few days and consulting an advisory committee including infectious disease experts.
   "We have no choice but to consider the serious request" from the Aichi government, a senior national government official said. An advisory committee member said the addition of Aichi is "possible."
   If the central Japan prefecture is placed under the state of emergency, the national government is expected to revise its basic policy on countermeasures against the coronavirus outbreak and report it to the Diet, Japan's parliament.


