2019.09.26 18:00Nation



2019.09.26 18:00Nation

Japan Govt Scraps Subsidy for Controversial Aichi Festival

Japan's Cultural Affairs Agency said Thursday it will not give a subsidy for the ongoing Aichi Triennale 2019 art festival, including a canceled exhibition featuring a statue symbolizing so-called comfort women.
   The agency decided not to grant any of the 78.2 million yen expected for the festival in the central Japan prefecture of Aichi, concluding there was a defect in the application process.
   The decision, effective the same day, is based mainly on a law on the normalization of grants, the agency said.
   The exhibition, "After 'Freedom of Expression?'" was closed two days after its Aug. 1 opening, following a storm of criticism and protests.
   Comfort women refer to those forced into prostitution for Japanese soldiers before and during World War II. This remains a sensitive issue between Japan and South Korea as the women included many Koreans.


