2024.11.15 07:12Nation

米情報長官候補が日本敵視発言 「太平洋侵略国が再軍備」―トランプ次期政権


2024.11.15 07:12Nation

U.S. Intelligence Director Nominee Made Hostile Remarks on Japan

Tulsi Gabbard, U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's pick for director of national intelligence, had made a comment that could been seen as hostile to Japan, it has been learned.
   The former Democratic member of U.S. Congress posted on X on Dec. 7 last year, "As we remember Japan's aggression in the Pacific, we need to ask ourselves this question: is the remilitarization of Japan, which is presently underway, truly a good idea?"
   Dec. 7 is the date of the now-defunct Imperial Japanese Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
   She added, "We need to be careful that shortsighted, self-serving leaders do not end up bringing us again face-to-face with a remilitarized Japan."
   Gabbard, who is from Samoa, was elected to the House of Representatives from Hawaii. She later became a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primaries. After becoming an independent, she approached Trump and joined the Republican Party this October.


