2024.10.22 16:18Nation

特別国会、来月7日召集案 衆院選次第でずれ込みも―政府・自民


2024.10.22 16:18Nation

Diet Special Session May Start Nov. 7 after General Election

An idea of holding a special session of the Diet from Nov. 7 after the upcoming general election has emerged within the government and ruling parties, informed sources said Tuesday.
   If the Liberal Democratic Party-Komeito coalition wins a majority in Sunday's House of Representatives election, LDP President Shigeru Ishiba would be re-elected as prime minister at the special session, which is expected to last around five days.
   If the ruling bloc fails to win a majority, the special session could be delayed by maneuvering to form a government.
   Ishiba is currently considering attending an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru from Nov. 15 and a Group of 20 summit in Brazil from Nov. 18.
   The Diet is expected to convene again later this year for an extraordinary session as the government will compile a supplementary budget.


