景気判断、下方修正を検討 新型コロナの感染拡大で―政府
Japan Mulls Revising Down Economic View due to Coronavirus
Amid the further spread of the novel coronavirus, the Japanese government is considering revising down its basic assessment of the domestic economy in an upcoming monthly report, informed sources said Friday.
The government is looking at downward revision as a wide range of economic activities have been affected by the fallout from the virus crisis, the sources said.
In its February report, the government said that the economy "is recovering at a moderate pace."
Ahead of the release of the March report on March 26, government officials are likely to discuss whether to change the phrase or keep it while adding some comments to indicate a temporary economic slump.
The monthly report has used the current wording since January 2018.
四季折々、カラフルな阿蘇山の「米塚」 熊本県
阿蘇に春の訪れを告げる「野焼き」 熊本県