2024.09.18 16:41Nation

北朝鮮、短距離弾を複数発射 日本のEEZ外に落下か


2024.09.18 16:41Nation

N. Korea Fires Ballistic Missiles

North Korea carried out what appeared to be a ballistic missile launch twice on Wednesday morning, Japan's Defense Ministry said.
   The South Korean military said that North Korea launched ballistic missiles eastward.
   All of the projectiles are believed to have fallen into waters outside Japan's exclusive economic zone, a Japanese government source said.
   On Thursday, North Korea fired short-range ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan. The country has announced that it was a test-firing to verify the performance of a transporter erector launcher, or TEL, for a new 600mm multiple rocket launcher.
   Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida instructed the government to gather and analyze information, provide the public with adequate information speedily, ensure the safety of aircraft, vessels and other assets and prepare for a possible contingency.


