2024.09.12 18:43Nation

須藤被告「殺していない」 初公判で無罪主張―「紀州のドン・ファン」事件・和歌山地裁

 検察側は冒頭陳述で、須藤被告が「完全犯罪」や「覚醒剤 過剰摂取」などとインターネットで検索していたほか、「トリカブト殺人事件」という動画を閲覧していたと指摘。密売サイトに載っていた番号に電話して致死量の3倍以上に当たる3グラム以上の覚醒剤を注文し、野崎さんが覚醒剤を摂取したとみられる時間帯に二人きりだった点などに言及した。その上で「財産目当てで結婚し、覚醒剤を使って完全犯罪を行った」と主張した。

2024.09.12 18:43Nation

Former Wife Pleads Not Guilty to Murder of "Don Juan of Kishu"

The 28-year-old then wife of a wealthy businessman nicknamed "Don Juan of Kishu" in western Japan pleaded not guilty to murdering the man, then 77, during the first court hearing of her lay-judge trial on Thursday.
   Saki Sudo is charged with murdering Kosuke Nozaki, who died of acute stimulant poisoning in Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture, in May 2018, and violating the stimulant drug control law. Kishu is the old name of a region that includes Wakayama.
   At Wakayama District Court on the day, Sudo, wearing a black dress, black sandals and a face mask, said in a frail yet clear voice, "I did not kill him or make him take stimulants." She looked slightly thinner than she did at the time of the incident.
   Prosecutors are seen trying to prove her guilt based on circumstantial evidence gathered during the investigation, as there is little direct evidence of her involvement in her husband's death. Meanwhile, the defense plans to fully contest the charges.
   In its opening statement on Thursday, the prosecution noted that Sudo had searched phrases such as "perfect crime" and "stimulant overdose" on the internet and watched a video on murder by poisoning, and argued, "She married for the victim's wealth."


