2024.08.24 17:49Nation

アフリカ会議で閣僚会合開幕 上川外相「課題解決の積み上げを」


2024.08.24 17:49Nation

TICAD Ministerial Meeting Starts in Tokyo

A two-day ministerial meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development, or TICAD, started in Tokyo on Saturday.
   At the opening ceremony of the meeting, Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa touched on her tour of African countries in April and said, "While envisioning Africa's bright future, I also recognized that there are challenges to be tackled for the development of Africa."
   "We, Japan and African countries, want to build up innovative solutions to be shared with the world," she said.
   The meeting brought together ministers from about 40 African countries with the aim of strengthening collaboration toward the ninth TICAD summit meeting, which will be held in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, in August next year.
   The ministers will discuss topics such as health, climate change and improving the business environment. The meeting will end Sunday, and a joint statement is expected to be issued.


