2024.07.28 22:29Nation

民間ヘリ墜落、2人死亡 操縦士と整備士か―福岡


2024.07.28 22:29Nation

2 Killed in Chopper Crash in Southwestern Japan

A helicopter crashed in southwestern Japan Sunday, killing two people aboard, local authorities said.
   Around 4:15 p.m., local fire authorities received an emergency call from a male passerby reporting that a helicopter crashed in the city of Yanagawa, Fukuoka Prefecture, and that smoke was rising from the accident site.
   The aircraft was boarded by two people, and both were confirmed dead at the site, according to sources including the Fukuoka prefectural police department. The police are working to identify the victims.
   According to sources including the aviation department of the prefectural government of Saga, next to Fukuoka, the crashed helicopter was from the four-seater Robinson R44 type and was operated by SGC Saga Aviation Co., based in the city of Saga.
   The helicopter was carrying the pilot, 50, and a mechanic, 70, when it crashed, the sources said. The victims, both of whom were men, were employees of SGC Saga Aviation.


