2024.07.26 12:03Nation

障害者差別根絶へ政府対策本部 全閣僚で構成、啓発活動を強化


2024.07.26 12:03Nation

Japan to Form Team to End Discrimination against Disabled

The Japanese government decided on Friday to set up a task force to eradicate discrimination against disabled people.
   Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will head the group, which will be made up of all cabinet members.
   The decision followed a recent Supreme Court ruling that the former eugenic protection law, which allowed forced sterilizations of disabled people, was unconstitutional. The first meeting of the task force will be held on Monday.
   "We'll enhance initiatives including education and awareness-raising activity to root out eugenic ideology and prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities after reviewing our efforts so far," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi told a press conference.
   Kishida promised to tackle the issue across all government agencies July 17, when he met with plaintiffs in litigation against the government over forced sterilizations.


