2024.07.24 17:47Nation

障害者差別根絶へ全閣僚会議 29日初会合、違憲判決踏まえ


2024.07.24 17:47Nation

Japan to Set Up Task Force to Fight Discrimination against Disabled

The Japanese government will set up a task force including all cabinet members to promote measures to combat discrimination against people with disabilities, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Wednesday.
   The move comes after the Supreme Court ruled earlier this month that the now-defunct eugenic protection law, which forced sterilizations based on disability, was unconstitutional.
   "We must step up our efforts, including education and edification, to eradicate eugenic ideas and prejudice and discrimination against people with disabilities," Kishida told reporters in the northern city of Chitose, Hokkaido.
   The task force will be launched on Friday, which marks the eighth anniversary of a deadly attack on a care home for people with disabilities in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo. It will hold its first meeting on Monday.
   Earlier on Wednesday, the prime minister visited a child welfare facility in Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, that supports children with developmental disabilities, and vowed to work to increase staff at special-needs schools and strengthen support for child development support centers.


