2024.07.19 16:47Nation

新型コロナ、10週連続増加 鹿児島が最多―厚労省


2024.07.19 16:47Nation

New COVID-19 Cases in Japan Increase for 10 Weeks in Row

New COVID-19 cases in Japan increased for 10 weeks in a row through last Sunday, health ministry data showed Friday.
   The number of new cases per medical institution in the week ended last Sunday was 11.18, according to the ministry's regular monitoring of about 5,000 medical institutions nationwide.
   By prefecture, the per-institution number was highest in Kagoshima at 31.75, followed by 29.46 in Saga, 29.34 in Miyazaki, 28.57 in Okinawa, 26.33 in Kumamoto, 22.40 in Nagasaki and 20.07 in Oita. All the prefectures are located in southwestern Japan.


