2024.07.18 17:47Nation

講談社元次長、差し戻し審も有罪 「自殺、現実的でない」―妻殺害で懲役11年・東京高裁


2024.07.18 17:47Nation

High Court Again Finds Ex-Kodansha Official Guilty of Murder

Tokyo High Court on Thursday again found a 48-year-old former official of publisher Kodansha Ltd. guilty of murdering his wife at his home in Tokyo's Bunkyo Ward in 2016.
   The decision came after the Supreme Court scrapped the high court's initial ruling and sent the case back to the high court in 2022.
   On the day, the high court, presided over by judge Kazunori Karei, upheld an 11-year prison sentence for the defendant handed down by lay judges at Tokyo District Court in 2019.
   The presiding judge said that the possibility that the wife killed herself, as the defendant claimed, is not realistic.
   The defendant is expected to appeal again to the top court.


