2024.07.16 17:29Nation

「サダコ像」窃盗に不快感 「あってはならない」と訴え―広島市長


2024.07.16 17:29Nation

Hiroshima Mayor Upset over Theft of Seattle A-Bomb Victim Statue

Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui expressed displeasure Tuesday after the statue of a girl who experienced the 1945 atomic bombing of the western Japan city was stolen from a park in Seattle.
   "A statue used by many people to pray should not be damaged," Matsui told a press conference.
   The statue, erected at Seattle's Peace Park in hope of world peace, is modeled after the Children's Peace Monument in Hiroshima's Peace Memorial Park. It was made in honor of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who was exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb when she was 2 years old and died at the age of 12.
   Referring to news reports that the statue was likely stolen to sell the copper for money, Matsui said, "People should know that this should not happen if they know the feelings of those who care about (the statue)." He demanded its swift return.


