2024.07.11 20:13Nation

緊急発進、4~6月で159回 中ロ活動は高水準―防衛省


2024.07.11 20:13Nation

Japan Fighter Jets Scramble 159 Times in April-June

Japanese Self-Defense Forces fighter jets scrambled 159 times in April-June in response to possible airspace violations, the Defense Ministry said Thursday.
   The figure was 79 lower than in the same quarter a year before. Almost all of the cases involved Chinese or Russian aircraft, and the ministry believes the two countries remain very active near Japanese airspace.
   Chinese aircraft were involved in about two-thirds of the scrambles, at 105 cases, down by 52, the ministry said. Russian aircraft were involved in 52 cases, down by 21.
   In May, a Chinese WL-10 reconnaissance and attack drone entered Japan's air defense identification zone above the East China Sea for the first time.


