2024.07.09 15:55Nation

海自潜水士、手当を不正受給か 数千万円規模、関係者処分へ―防衛省


2024.07.09 15:55Nation

MSDF Divers Suspected of Fraudulently Receiving Allowances

Dozens of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force divers are suspected of fraudulently receiving allowances, Defense Ministry sources said Tuesday.
   They have been making false claims for the diving allowances for many years, and the total amount they have fraudulently received may reach tens of millions of yen, according to the sources.
   The ministry plans to have the divers return the allowances and then take disciplinary measures against them.
   The divers involved belonged to submarine rescue vessels and received the allowances of up to about 10,000 yen per hour, depending on the danger of their missions.
   In September 2022, the MSDF's internal investigation found cases such as those in which divers applied for the allowances even though they did not engage in diving operations and in which they overstated their working hours.


