2024.07.09 11:10Nation

ロシア大規模攻撃を非難 日本政府


2024.07.09 11:10Nation

Japan Condemns Russia's Massive Attacks on Ukraine

Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi on Tuesday condemned Russia's massive missile attacks on Ukraine the previous day.
   "Many citizens were killed. It's extremely serious," Hayashi told a press conference. "(The attacks) cannot be justified for any reason, and we strongly criticize them."
   Russia's attacks hit many cities including the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, where a cruise missile struck a children's hospital. At least 37 people were killed and 170 people were wounded by Monday's attacks.
   Japan will "respond appropriately in cooperation with like-minded nations," Hayashi said, mentioning an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council that will be held on the issue.


