2024.07.07 22:47Nation

台湾駐日代表に李逸洋氏 陳元総統側近、月内にも就任


2024.07.07 22:47Nation

Taiwan to Name Lee as de Facto Ambassador to Japan

Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te plans to appoint Lee Yi-yang, former vice president of the Examination Yuan, as the next de facto ambassador to Japan, a source has said.
   Lee will head the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, Taiwan's effective embassy in Japan, succeeding the top post from outgoing Hsieh Chang-ting.
   Lee is said to be close to former Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian and trusted by Lai.
   The appointment, to be announced soon, is seen taking effect as early as this month.
   Lee, 69, worked as a news reporter and a Taipei City Council member before becoming secretary-general of the Democratic Progressive Party and minister of the interior under Chen's administration.


