2024.06.27 22:38Nation

岸田首相、石破氏らと会食 4日連続で自民議員


2024.06.27 22:38Nation

Kishida Dines with LDP Lawmakers for 4th Straight Day

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, also president of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, had dinner with LDP lawmakers for four straight days through Thursday, amid emerging calls from within the party for him to step down in light of the party's "slush fund" scandal.
   Kishida appears to be eager to stabilize his administration ahead of the LDP's leadership election in September.
   On Thursday evening, Kishida had dinner at a Tokyo hotel with former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, former LDP General Council Chairman Toshiaki Endo and others. He then moved to a Japanese restaurant in the capital's Akasaka area to meet with current General Council Chairman Hiroshi Moriyama.
   On Tuesday, Kishida dined with LDP Vice President Taro Aso. The two had dined together only last week.


