2024.06.22 19:38Nation

各候補が政策アピール 告示後初の週末―都知事選


2024.06.22 19:38Nation

Tokyo Gov. Race Candidates Take to Streets to Promote Policies

Candidates in the July 7 Tokyo gubernatorial election travelled around the Japanese capital to appeal to voters about their policies on Saturday in the first weekend of the official campaign period.
   Incumbent Governor Yuriko Koike, 71, flew to Hachijojima, one of Tokyo's Izu Islands in the Pacific located some 290 kilometers south of central Tokyo. In her first street speech since Thursday's start of the campaign period, she pledged to work on improving the environment of the island chain in ways customized to the characteristics of each island.
   Visiting a ranch in Hachijojima, Koike said, "I've been striving to publicize Tokyo as also having islands full of nature."
   Shinji Ishimaru, 41, a former mayor of the city of Akitakata, Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan, delivered speeches in locations including in front of Ueno Station in Taito Ward, central Tokyo, stressing that he worked on alleviating the burden on teachers during his tenure as mayor. "Investment in education should be the growth strategy" of Tokyo, he said.
   Kuniaki Shimizu, 73, a television personality, also visited Hachijojima. After putting up his campaign posters, he interacted with local residents and sought their support. "I will establish a metropolitan government where everyone has a place," Shimizu said.


