2020.03.04 07:17Nation

渡航制限拡大、日本も示唆 東京五輪開催「安倍首相次第」―トランプ米大統領




2020.03.04 07:17Nation

Trump Suggests Tighter Travel Restriction on Japan

U.S. President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday that the United States may introduce tighter travel restrictions on Japan, South Korea and Italy amid the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   "We're watching Italy very closely, South Korea very closely, even Japan very closely," Trump told reporters at the White House. "We'll make the right determination at the right time."
   But the president stopped short of explaining specifically what kind of measures his administration is considering taking.
   The U.S. Department of State has raised its travel alert for Japan to the second-lowest level of its four-tier warning system, calling on travelers to exercise increased caution.
   The department has recommended travelers cancel their visits to parts of South Korea and Italy and banned entry to the United States by those who stayed in China or Iran in the past 14 days.


