2020.03.03 23:34Nation

震災追悼式、中止で調整 4日にも最終決断―政府


2020.03.03 23:34Nation

Japan Mulls Canceling March 2011 Memorial Ceremony

The Japanese government is considering canceling this year's memorial ceremony for the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami due to the spread of the coronavirus, informed sources said Tuesday.
   A final decision will be made as early as Wednesday, the sources said. The ceremony is scheduled to take place in Tokyo on March 11, which marks the ninth year since the disaster.
   There is still an option of holding the ceremony, though on a limited scale without participation from the public, the sources said.
   If the government chooses to cancel the ceremony, it will consider alternatives such as having Prime Minister Shinzo Abe read a memorial address, the sources said.
   A panel of experts commissioned by the government to discuss ways to contain the spread of the virus has called for avoiding gatherings in poorly ventilated spaces.


