2020.03.03 10:25Nation

和牛保護2法案を閣議決定 海外流出、罰金1000万円


2020.03.03 10:25Nation

Japan Govt Approves Bills against "Wagyu" Smuggling

The Japanese government Tuesday adopted two bills to prevent the overseas smuggling of "wagyu" Japanese beef cattle genetic resources.
   The measures, approved at a cabinet meeting, seek to protect the wagyu brand, which is popular around the globe.
   One is a proposed new law to prevent unfair competition over livestock genetic resources. The bill stipulates a fine of up to 10 million yen or a prison term of up to 10 years for individuals who illegally sell or take abroad genetic resources such as fertilized eggs and sperm.
   The bill also refers to rights to request court injunctions against the fraudulent usage of wagyu genetic resources.
   The second bill, which will revise the law on the improvement and increased production of livestock, calls for farmers to keep records of the distribution of wagyu genetic resources.


