2020.03.03 13:31Nation

一斉休校、科学的根拠は不明 専門家が批判


2020.03.03 13:31Nation

Japan's School Closures Lack Scientific Proof: Experts

Experts have criticized Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision on nationwide school closures to prevent a further spread of the new coronavirus, saying the measure lacks scientific evidence.
   The emergency school closures began in many parts of Japan on Monday following Abe's decision, which he made without consulting an expert panel under the government.
   Sources within the panel said that it had not considered closing schools across Japan as part of the fight against COVID-19, which originated in China.
   Children are far less likely to get infected with the coronavirus, unlike with influenza, which causes mass infections at schools, experts say.
   The government has not presented any scientific evidence as to whether children may cause a further spread of the coronavirus or whether school closures would be effective in stopping the spread.


