2020.03.03 08:43Nation

あおり運転に罰則 違反歴高齢者に技能検査―道交法改正案を閣議決定


2020.03.03 08:43Nation

Japan Adopts Bill to Punish Road Rage

The Japanese government Tuesday adopted a bill to revise the road traffic law to make acts of road rage punishable.
   The bill, to be submitted to the ongoing parliamentary session, is also designed to oblige drivers aged 75 or above with a record of certain traffic offenses to take a driving skills test for the renewal of their licenses.
   If the bill is enacted, acts of road rage become punishable 20 days after the revised law's promulgation. The driving skills test will become mandatory within two years.
   The bill defines road rage as acts aimed at obstructing the traffic of vehicles, such as by tailgating, applying the brakes suddenly and changing courses to cut in on other vehicles.
   Violators would face a prison term of up to three years or up to 500,000 yen in fines.


