2020.03.02 13:32Nation

復興の姿を世界に 福島産水素、聖火ともす―浪江町に製造拠点




2020.03.02 13:32Nation

9 Years On: Tokyo Games to Use Hydrogen Fuel from Fukushima

Hydrogen fuel generated in the town of Namie, Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan, which was hit by the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters, will be used for the cauldron and the torch for the relay for this summer's Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
   The use of hydrogen fuel made in Fukushima at the games is aimed at highlighting progress in reconstruction efforts following the disasters, as well as touting Japan's commitment to preserving the environment.
   The hydrogen fuel will be made at a large-scale research facility built in Namie by the government-affiliated New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp., a Toshiba Corp. unit, and others.
   At the facility, power generated from sunlight breaks down the water to produce hydrogen, without emitting any carbon dioxide. It can produce enough hydrogen to power some 560 fuel-cell vehicles in a day, one of the world's largest capacities for such a plant.
   For the Olympic cauldron, propane gas and other fuels had been used in the past. This year, hydrogen fuel will be used for the first time ever. The flames will be colored by additive agents as those fueled by hydrogen are usually clear and colorless.


