2024.05.30 19:33Business

東京・芝浦で大型再開発 高層ビル2棟が核に―野村不とJR東

 野村不動産とJR東日本は30日、東京・芝浦で進める大型再開発の街区名称を「BLUE FRONT SHIBAURA(ブルーフロント芝浦)」に決定したと発表した。2棟の高層ビルを中核に、2030年度までに多様な働き方を重視したオフィスなどの複合施設を順次開業する。

2024.05.30 19:33Business

Blue Front Shibaura to Open in Tokyo

Nomura Real Estate Development Co. and East Japan Railway Co., or JR East, said Thursday that they have decided on "Blue Front Shibaura" as the name of the district they are jointly redeveloping in Tokyo.
   The large-scale redevelopment project in the Shibaura waterfront area features the construction of two high-rise buildings. Facilities including offices for various work styles will be opened in stages through fiscal 2030.


