2024.05.22 22:05Nation

日グアテマラ外相が連携確認 台湾承認国、「支持不変」


2024.05.22 22:05Nation

Japan, Guatemala to Start Policy Consultations to Boost Ties

Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and her Guatemalan counterpart, Carlos Ramiro Martinez, on Wednesday agreed to start policy consultations to further boost bilateral ties.
   With the aim of strengthening the bilateral ties based on principles such as democracy and the rule of law, the two countries will discuss topics such as immigrants, poverty, women's participation in peace building, nuclear disarmament and climate change.
   Speaking at the day's meeting at the Foreign Ministry's Iikura Guest House in Tokyo, Kamikawa said Guatemala is a key partner that shares values and principles with Japan.
   She voiced a wish to further the bilateral ties.
   Martinez said that his nation will always stand with Japan on nuclear disarmament.


