創薬力強化で戦略目標 「骨太」に反映へ―政府有識者会議
Japan Expert Panel Compiles Goals for Boosting Drug Discovery
A government expert panel compiled Wednesday a set of strategic goals for strengthening Japan's drug discovery capabilities, which will be reflected in the government's economic and fiscal policy guidelines to be drawn up around June.
The strategic goals are aimed at resolving "drug loss," in which drugs approved overseas are not used in Japan, and "drug lag," or delays in domestic drug approval processes, by reviewing Japan's pharmaceutical regulations in line with global standards.
The goals are centered around swiftly providing cutting-edge drugs, boosting research, attracting talent and enhancing the investment environment. They are also aimed at promoting the development of treatments for rare and intractable diseases, which are often unprofitable due to the small number of patients.
The government hopes to attract professionals with drug discovery expertise from international pharmaceutical firms to Japan so that they can lead drug research and development. It plans to establish a public-private council including foreign firms and hold preparatory discussions on the matter as early as August.
"We will work diligently to implement (the goals) to improve our drug discovery capabilities," Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Hideki Murai, who chaired the expert panel meeting, said.