2024.05.22 07:11Nation

「今後も薬局で」8割が希望 緊急避妊薬の購入者―厚労省調査


2024.05.22 07:11Nation

Over 80 Pct Want to Buy Morning-After Pills at Pharmacies

Over 80 pct of people who bought morning-after pills at pharmacies in Japan hope that the pills will be available at such stores without the need for a doctor's consultation, a health ministry survey has shown.
   Morning-after pills help prevent unwanted pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse. Currently, a doctor's examination and prescription are required to obtain the pills in Japan.
   As not all individuals live near a medical institution and have immediate access to morning-after pills, the country is holding discussions on whether to allow over-the-counter sales of such pills.
   A ministry panel discussed the matter in 2017 but decided not to introduce such a sales system as some members voiced concerns.
   Japan started to discuss the topic again based on the government's fifth basic plan for gender equality adopted in December 2020, which called for talks on sales of morning-after pills without a prescription.


