2024.04.04 13:16Nation

萩生田氏「役職停止1年」調整 自民、午後に党紀委


2024.04.04 13:16Nation

1-Year Suspension from LDP Posts Eyed for Hagiuda, Matsuno

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party at an internal ethics panel meeting Thursday is expected to consider suspending former LDP policy chief Koichi Hagiuda from party posts for a year over a high-profile slush funds scandal involving intraparty factions, informed sources said.
   Former Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno may also face a one-year suspension from party posts while former LDP parliamentary affairs chief Tsuyoshi Takagi may be suspended from party membership for six months. Suspension from party posts and party membership suspension are the sixth- and third-heaviest measures, respectively, under the party's eight-tier penalty system.
   Hagiuda, Matsuno and Takagi were all key members of the LDP faction formerly led by the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, which is at the center of the scandal.
   The LDP leadership team, led by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, also LDP president, believes that the former senior Abe faction members had significant political responsibility for maintaining its scheme of kicking back some of the revenues from fundraising events to faction members although a decision to abolish the practice was made in April 2022 by Abe, then chief of the faction.
   Such kickbacks were not recorded in political funds reports and were thus turned into slush funds.


