2020.02.28 12:42Nation

首相「今が極めて重要」 保護者有休、企業の配慮要請―全国休校




2020.02.28 12:42Nation

Abe Urges Understanding for School Closure Request

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe sought public understanding on Friday for his request to close all elementary, junior high and high schools, saying that it is a "crucial period" to prevent the further spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
   "Now is truly a crucial period to contain the spread of the outbreak," Abe said during a House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting.
   "We will make decisions on and execute necessary measures without hesitation, putting the protection of citizens' lives and health above everything else," he added at the start of the meeting.
   The comments came after Abe requested on Thursday an emergency nationwide closure of schools, including special schools for children with disabilities, from Monday until the start of the spring break.
   Shu Watanabe, a lawmaker of the opposition Democratic Party for the People, said during the meeting that the measure may force guardians of school students to take time off work to care for their children. "Will the government take responsibility for firings or reductions in income?" he asked.


