2020.02.26 11:27Nation

東京五輪の開催可否、5月までに判断? IOC委員が見解


2020.02.26 11:27Nation

Decision on Fate of Tokyo Olympics Seen by Late May: IOC Member

An International Olympic Committee member has suggested that a decision will be made by late May on whether the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics this summer will be held as scheduled or canceled amid the ongoing coronavirus crisis, U.S. media reported Tuesday.
   Dick Pound, a Canadian who has served as an IOC member since 1978, said in an interview that cancellation of the games will be considered unless the viral outbreak is brought under control, according to the reports.
   Moving the host venue to another city would be difficult because the time for preparations is limited, he said, adding that postponing the games would unlikely satisfy North American and other broadcasters with full autumn schedules.
   Responding to the reports, the Tokyo organizing committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games said Wednesday, "It is not an official view of the IOC that the decision on the fate of the games will be made by May."
   The committee said it will consider necessary steps in close cooperation with relevant authorities on tackling the new strain of coronavirus.


