2024.03.02 09:18Nation

めぼしい成果なく閉幕 紛争解決制度改革、年内実現目指す―WTO閣僚会議


2024.03.02 09:18Nation

WTO Ministerial Meeting Ends without Notable Results

A ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization that started Monday in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, ended Saturday without notable results, as participants failed to find a compromise in many areas partly due to strong opposition from some countries.
   The ministers, however, adopted a statement in which they vowed to pursue efforts to restore dispute settlement system functions of the WTO by the end of this year.
   For WTO decision-making, unanimous agreement among 164 member countries and regions is required in principle. In the latest ministerial meeting, opinions were divided and achievements were not realized in key areas of negotiations such as agriculture and fisheries.
   Meanwhile, a ministerial declaration was adopted, with the member economies reaffirming the continuation of reforms to strengthen the functions of the WTO at a time when protectionist policies are emerging in various parts of the world against the backdrop of geopolitical tensions.
   The ministers agreed to extend until their next meeting, which will be held in Cameroon in 2026, measures not to impose tariffs on e-commerce, such as apps and music distribution services. But the measures will not be extended beyond the next conference.


