2020.02.25 12:04Nation

男性最高齢の112歳死去 12日にギネス認定、新潟の渡辺智哲さん




2020.02.25 12:04Nation

World's Oldest Man, Chitetsu Watanabe of Japan, Dies at 112

Chitetsu Watanabe, a 112-year-old Japanese recognized as the world's oldest man, died of old age at a care home for elderly people late Sunday.
   Watanabe, a resident of the city of Joetsu, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan, won the recognition from Guinness World Records only on Feb. 12.
   Born in Niigata on March 5, 1907, he worked at a sugar-producing company in Taiwan after graduating from an agricultural school. After the end of World War II, Watanabe worked at an affiliated organization of the Niigata prefectural government until reaching the mandatory retirement age.
   Watanabe saw his health deteriorate late last year. But he was in a relatively stable condition of late, eating three meals every day, according to staff workers at the elderly facility. He enjoyed eating sweet things, such as custard pudding and ice cream, they said.
   With the death of Watanabe, Issaku Tomoe, a 110-year-old resident of the city of Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture, central Japan, is now the oldest man in Japan, according to the health ministry.


