2020.02.25 13:48Nation

新型コロナ基本方針を決定 集団感染の対策チーム編成―一般医療機関で患者受け入れ




2020.02.25 13:48Nation

Japan Adopts Basic Policy to Tackle Coronavirus

The Japanese government on Tuesday adopted a comprehensive basic policy for tackling the new coronavirus, COVID-19, which continues to spread in the country.
   The policy, decided at a meeting of its headquarters to deal with the coronavirus, calls for taking measures to prevent any further spread of the virus and improving systems for providing medical treatment to patients.
   "We'll form a response team including infectious disease specialists and support local communities hit by mass infection," Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who heads the headquarters, said at the meeting. Members of the team will be sent within Tuesday to the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido, where infections are increasing, he said.
   In areas seeing a surge in the number of patients carrying the virus, medical institutions not designated as those for infectious disease treatment should accept people showing symptoms while people whose symptoms are relatively mild would be asked to look after themselves at their homes in principle, according to the basic policy.
   As the number of patients for whom infection routes are difficult to trace is increasing in Japan, participants at the meeting confirmed that improving medical systems for treating patients in serious condition is a matter of urgency, agreeing to promote cooperation with local governments and medical institutions for that purpose.


