2020.02.23 01:08Nation

G20、新型肺炎対応で連携 世界経済に懸念―サウジで財務相会議開幕




2020.02.23 01:08Nation

G-20 Officials Share Concerns over Virus-Hit Global Economy

Group of 20 finance officials shared concerns over the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on the global economy on Saturday, the first day of their two-day meeting in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia.
   Finance ministers and central bank governors of the G-20 advanced and emerging economies agreed to cooperate in tackling the economic challenge posed by the spread of the new virus originating in China.
   After discussing measures aimed at avoiding a global economic slowdown, the G-20 officials plan to adopt a joint statement to wrap up their discussions on Sunday.
   From Japan, Finance Minister Taro Aso and Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda are taking part in the meeting.
   Speaking to reporters after the first-day session, Aso said he told his G-20 counterparts that the coronavirus outbreak suddenly emerged as a risk factor for the global economy and that it may have grave macroeconomic consequences.


