2023.12.25 14:41Nation

「夏休みだけ開所」に補助検討 学童の待機児童対策―政府


2023.12.25 14:41Nation

Japan Adopts Steps over "Gakudo Hoiku" Waiting Lists

The Japanese government on Monday adopted a set of measures to reduce to zero the number of children waiting to be accepted into "gakudo hoiku" after-school facilities for elementary school students whose both parents work.
   The national government currently gives subsidies to gakudo hoiku facilities that are open for 200 days or more a year. The package includes a plan to provide the aid also to facilities that are open for fewer days from fiscal 2025, in order to boost the number of facilities that are operated only during the summer break, when demand grows.
   According to the Children and Families Agency, a record high of 1,457,384 children were using gakudo hoiku facilities as of May 1 this year, up by 65,226 from a year before, while 16,276 children were on the waiting lists, up by 1,096.
   But the number of children on the lists dropped to 8,487 as of Oct. 1 on a preliminary basis, suggesting that demand for gakudo hoiku facilities tends to grow during the summer break but to fall in September and later, after the end of the summer break. It was the first time for the survey as of the beginning of October to be carried out.
   The central government had aimed to reduce the number of children on the waiting lists to zero by fiscal 2023. Now that the goal seems difficult to achieve, however, it drew up the new measures to ensure that no children are on the lists as soon as possible.


