2020.02.15 18:35Nation

チャーター第5便、16日夜出発 邦人ら数十人帰国支援―政府


2020.02.15 18:35Nation

Japan's 5th Evacuation Plane to Leave for China Sunday Night

Japan's fifth charter plane to bring home Japanese nationals and their families from coronavirus-hit Hubei Province, China, will depart Tokyo International Airport at Haneda on Sunday night.
   The plane will leave for Wuhan, the capital of the province, around 8 p.m. (11 a.m. GMT) and return to Haneda on Monday morning, the government said.
   The plane will carry relief supplies for China, such as goggles and protective suits.
   In the province, there remain dozens of Japanese nationals and their families, including government officials engaged in government-organized evacuation operations, government sources said.
   The fifth flight will put an end to the evacuation operations using charter aircraft. Since late January, Japan has brought home a total of 763 nationals and members of their families by sending four charter planes.


