2020.02.15 07:11Nation

新型肺炎支援で日本称賛 「尖閣」は変化なし―中国



 国営新華社通信は11日、日本からの支援物資の箱に「山川異域 風月同天(場所は違っても、同じ自然を共有している)」という漢詩の一節が書かれていたことを紹介し、「無数の人々の琴線に触れた」とたたえた。この詩は奈良時代に天武天皇の孫、長屋王が唐の僧、鑑真を日本に招く際に贈ったとされる。新華社は2月以降、再三にわたり、この一節について「深く心を打つ」などと報じている。

2020.02.15 07:11Nation

Chinese Media Hail Japan's Coronavirus Relief, with Some Political Motives

Japan's support for China's fight against the novel coronavirus has been praised by the local media, reflecting the current pro-Tokyo stance of Chinese President Xi Jinping's leadership.
   The state-run Xinhua news agency reported Tuesday that boxes containing relief supplies from Japan have a line of ancient Chinese-style poetry saying, "While we are in different places, we are under the same sky."
   The line, believed to have been sent in the eighth century by a Japanese prince to invite a Chinese monk to Japan, touched the hearts of many people, the report said. Xinhua has repeatedly reported the passage this month.
   On Wednesday, the People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, reported that various sectors in Japan are encouraging China in a variety of ways, with a photo of banners in the Dotonbori downtown district in Osaka that read "Hang in there, Wuhan!" in Japanese and Chinese.
   The Global Times, an affiliate of the People's Daily, also carried the same photo on its front page.


