2023.11.17 16:09Nation

来春大卒内定率、74.8% 人手不足や経済正常化で上昇―10月


2023.11.17 16:09Nation

About 75 Pct of Univ. Students Graduating Next Spring Secure Jobs

Nearly 75 pct of university students set to graduate in Japan next spring have secured jobs, the labor and education ministries said Friday.
   As of Oct. 1, 74.8 pct of job-hunting students had received informal job offers, with the employment offer rate for spring graduates up 0.7 percentage point from a year earlier.
   The rate grew for the third year in a row on the back of the Japanese economy recovering from the COVID crisis and workforce shortages getting severer, people familiar with the situation said.
   A labor ministry official said companies are showing a "high level" of hiring interest, although the figure was still lower than the 76.8 pct marked in pre-pandemic October 2019.
   The proportion of male students who obtained informal job offers increased 1.2 points to 73.9 pct, while that of female students inched up 0.1 point to 75.8 pct.


